Advent: Light & the Christ candle.

Ashley Diane Worsham
3 min readDec 24, 2020


The word “light” in a green, decorative typeface on a cream background.

(noun) the radiance or illumination from a particular source; a person who is an outstanding leader, celebrity, or example

We live in a world where everyone sins. Even Christians sin, though we actively try not to. It is part of being a human in a fallen world. Jesus never sinned during His time on earth, but instead lived a perfect life above reproach. Satan tempted Him to sin, but Jesus didn’t fall for the temptation (Matthew 4:1–11). Multiple times, Jewish leaders tried to trick Jesus into sinning — but they never succeeded because God is above sin and Jesus is God.

In a sinful world, Jesus’ sinless life stands out, like a light in the dark. To be counter-cultural means to go against what most of the people around us are doing. As we discussed last week, Jesus frequently hung out with unpopular people. That was counter-cultural.

Even though we still sin despite our love of God, we are also called to be counter-cultural to the best of our abilities. How we live our lives should reflect Christ and be a light to the world. We can accomplish this by treating everyone with love and dignity, caring for those in need, or doing what’s right even when it’s easier to do what’s wrong.

We will fail in doing so at times, but we should always try regardlessly and fix our mistakes when we do mess up. Sometimes, it’s easy to believe that the best way to show Jesus is to always do everything right — to be perfect. But at times, our light shines brightest not by being perfect, but by acknowledging our mistakes and fixing any problems we’ve caused. While we do follow Christ and strive to do what’s always right, He loves us even when we make mistakes. By graciously admitting these mistakes and forgiving others of their mistakes, we can show others how Jesus loves us even though we are sinners. The test is not to see if we’ll never have mistakes, but how will we respond when they happen.

The fifth advent candle is called the Christ Candle and symbolizes light and purity.

An illustration of five advent candles in a wreath. All of the candles are lit.

Questions to discuss

  • In your own words, what does it mean to be a light in the world?
  • Can you think of any specific times when you know the people around you weren’t doing what was right? Knowing that we are to be a light to the world as Jesus was, what do you think the best thing would be for you to do in those circumstances?
  • Is there anyone in your life who you think doesn’t believe in Jesus? Let’s pray for them together right now and also make it a habit to pray for them on our own.
  • How does it make you feel to know that God loves everyone, no matter who they are or what they may have done in the past?
  • Who is someone in your life that may be difficult to love? Let’s pray that God helps us love them the same way that he loves them.

Activities to do together

